IT'S HERE. Week 1 Forecast-Be Patient and Hunt Smart, Not Hard.

No, it’s not Christmas Eve. This day is head and shoulders above Christmas Eve. Today is September 30th, and if you’re an outdoorsman from Michigan that means one thing: DEER HUNTING SEASON. Technically, deer season starts on October 1, but it might as well start today because absolutely nobody that hunts with stick and string is focused on work or anything else today. However, with all the anticipation, sometimes the first week can be a major letdown due to warm temperatures, low pressure, and other weather related factors. In past years, myself and I’m sure plenty of others have been guilty of giving into the anticipation of bow season and heading to the woods on days we should absolutely not be out there. Whether its the temps are too high, the pressure is too low, or the wind is blowing in the wrong direction; the anticipation overwhelms us and we go sit in a treestand, and more than likely do more harm than good. Then we sit around the next few weeks and either wonder why we aren’t seeing any deer, or blaming it on the “October lull.”

This year I’m not asking you to sit at home the first week of October; that’s absolutely asinine. Outside of the rut, if you hunt smart, the first week of October is your best chance to close the deal on a good buck in the mitten state. The point I want to get across today is to be patient, and unless you have an absolutely perfect setup for October 1, overcome the anticipation and stay home. The weather is calling for high temps (as high as 82 in some areas), low pressure, and possible thunderstorms. You might see a few does just before dark, but the chances of seeing a mature buck in daylight are slim to none with those kind of weather conditions. The only type of setup I see having a potential of working is a heavy shaded staging area tucked up close to a bedding area; in an area like that you might be able to see a buck on his feet moments before darkness falls.

For those of you who don’t have a perfect setup though, sitting out October 1st will more than likely work out in your favor. Even though rain is in the forecast the following couple days, the temperature will steadily decline. The pressure won’t be very high on 2nd, but I think the drastically lower temps will have the deer feeding before dark. Thursday the 3rd through Saturday the 5th is where this week really gets interesting. Thursday is going to be windy, but cold temps will accompany that wind, and the pressure is steadily rising all day long until it hits its peak of 30.34 on Friday. If high winds don’t bother you, Thursday evening will definitely have increased deer activity with the cooler temps and rising pressure. This Friday and Saturday will offer the best early season hunting this year; high pressure at the back end of a cold front almost always guarantees increased deer activity. Last year we had a similar weather pattern October 4th-October 6th and big bucks were dropping like flies all over the state. Cold Temps, high pressure between 30.1 and 30.3, and lower winds will have the deer on their feet, and more importantly the bucks on their feet well before dark.

Joe Kemper, a good hunting buddy of mine, arrowed this solid Michigan Buck on October 4th last year at the tail end of a cold front. We have a similar weather pattern awaiting us at the back half of this week as well.

Joe Kemper, a good hunting buddy of mine, arrowed this solid Michigan Buck on October 4th last year at the tail end of a cold front. We have a similar weather pattern awaiting us at the back half of this week as well.

As long as you’re taking wind into serious consideration while approaching your stand and hunting your stand, you should definitely see increased buck activity the back half of the week. This week one forecast is not a lecture to stay at home October 1st, if you want to be in the stand tomorrow by all means get after them whitetails. The point I’m trying to get across is if you sit out day 1 and maybe day 2, you’ll more than likely reap the benefits and see quite a few deer on their feet before nightfall on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Before I sign off, I want to remind everyone to hunt your hunt. Don’t let other peoples thoughts and comparisons ruin your excitement this fall. If your trophy is doe or a small forky, then be proud of it! Meat in the freezer, the comradery of hunting camp, being in a treestand to enjoy Gods creation, and to experience the intensity that God intended us to have when we shoot a deer is what hunting is all about. Stay safe and shoot straight.

-Steven Crawford